About Us

Needy Communities Hope, Inc. (NCH) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded to assist the less privileged in society to access educational and healthcare needs. Despite the government of Ghana’s efforts for communities to have access to better healthcare and education, most people in these same communities lack basic healthcare and educational needs. It is NCH’s dream to augment these efforts by partnering with individuals and organizations to assist in delivering these necessities to the needy

Our History

Needy Communities Hope, Inc. (NCH) was founded as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in 2023 by three individuals who are committed to ensuring that the often-forgotten people in the Sekyere Kumawu District of Ashanti Region in Ghana get access to basic but vital educational and healthcare needs

Who We Are

Baron Aboagye-Frimpong


Baron is the Founder and President of Needy Communities Hope, Inc., a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing access to education and healthcare to the disadvantaged and less privileged in the Sekyere Kumawu District of Ashanti Region of Ghana through partnerships with donor organizations and philanthropists.

Baron was brought up in a Ghanaian household where education and health were very important and taught to be powerful. After graduating from high school, Baron obtained his bachelor’s degree in Information Studies from the University of Ghana – Legon, and completed his Master of Public Administration with a specialization in Health Policy and Management from the New York University’s (NYU) Wagner School of Public Service. In addition to operating Needy Communities Hope, he is a senior project manager of a large public health system in New York City.

During his collegiate career he accessed invaluable experiences and knowledge, and he wants to see more of Sekyere Kumawu District underserved residents exposed to the same opportunity. There are great social and economic issues in many Sekyere Kumawu neighborhoods; alarming school drop-out rates, increase in non-communicable diseases (NCDs) due to risk factors such as less physical activity, high level of alcohol consumption, high use of salt, lack of sufficient fruits to eat, high blood pressure, and high blood glucose, etc. With his own personal encounter with life’s unfortunate circumstances and understanding the importance of health and education, it is his desire to take part and strive for a change. As a scholarship recipient himself he wants to give the same chance that was provided to him during his high school and collegiate years.

After years of contemplation and having the goal of launching a non-profit organization benefiting his home community, Needy Communities Hope, Inc. was founded in 2022. In January of 2023, the organization became a fully formed 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization with great support from his community, family, and friends.

Sorry, this is a picture of Nana Ama Ampah, the Secretary of NCH, Inc.

Nana Ama Ampah


Nana Ama serves on the board of Needy Communities Hope, Inc., and has a background in Higher Education and Nonprofit management. She began her career as a Program Assistant in 2010, and shortly assumed the role of Program Coordinator with New York University’s Research Center for Leadership in Action. Her role oversaw leadership training programs for women working in the non-profit sector in Ghana.

Over the years she has gained a wealth of experience in her field holding various supervisory positions with the organizations she worked with. Nana worked with the American Field Service (AFS) USA as a Travel Coordinator, Barnard College as the Coordinator for the religion department, as well as with City University of New York (CUNY) School of Labor and Urban Studies as an Executive Assistant. She currently works with Women's World Banking as a Program Coordinator for the Leadership and Diversity Program for Regulators which offers training to women working in the financial regulatory sectors around the world. She continues to partner with organizations working on leadership development and upward mobility for women.

Nana holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration and received a master’s degree in public administration with a specialization in International Policy and Nonprofit Management from the New York University (NYU) Wagner School of Public Service.

Nana Ama was born in Ghana and enjoys travelling with family when she is not working.

Sorry, this is a picture of Irene Abban, the Treasurer of NCH, Inc.

Irene Abban


Irene is the Treasurer for Needy Communities Hope, Inc. providing the board members with timely reports about the organization’s financial status and making sure the organization’s money is safe and following all necessary laws.


Irene is a USA-based native of Kumawu-Besoro in the Sekyere Kumawu District of Ashanti region of Ghana. She is an Italian-trained fashion designer and philanthropist who is passionate about helping the needy in society. She attended C.S.T Liceo Stilistico in Modena, Italy where she obtained a Diploma in Fashion Design and a certificate in Accounting and Finance. She is married, and a mother of 3 children.


She loves fashion and it is her hope to train more youth in her community so in the near future, we can boast of fashion designers from our villages. Irene is easy-going, she is a team leader and has great work ethics. She is a very dedicated person, and always wears her smile.


Her hobbies are bringing the youth together, talking about pressing issues, and finding solutions to problems we face in our communities. She also enjoys training the youth in volleyball, netball, and athletes. She was an athlete for years with Cittadella, now known as Fratellanza Modena in Italy.
